Roasted Honey

Wednesday, October 20, 2010


       Like I said, I have a good reason for posting so late last week! :) 
                 My mother has been planning on redoing our kitchen counters for some time now. And we started the other day!
 Our counters used to be bright, sunny yellow

The kitchen sink used to be in that hole under the window, it was yellow as well. We had to take it out to work on plumbing one day and now we are getting a new one!!!!!!!! YAY!


Yes, I know. VERY 70's.


   This was our base coat.

Already starting to look better!

Ahh, MUCH better than yellow!

My lovely sister, Alyx, starting to sponge on the paint.


This is what it started out looking like. I was a little worried, needless to say.

But this is how it turned out! 

I think they turned out BEAUTIFUL!

We have to let them cure for a week. That means no cooking or eating in the kitchen for SEVEN days! Microwave dinners and paper plates, here we come!

Now we're trying to decide on a back splash... I think that might take a while :)

It was a lot easier than I thought it would be! and there was really no way to mess up! you just paint over what you didn't like with another color

It was fun, but I'm glad its over. Maybe we can get the smell of paint out of the house now! :)

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Phone Book Delivery!

   Ah, fall. Time to distribute phone books to the citizens of Ponca City!

   You might think it sound crazy, but have you ever thought about where your phone book came from? Ah-ha! You never have! Well, I never had before I started helping. Phone books come from a warehouse; a warehouse that I’ve never been to, unfortunately. 

   Someone (I think it was Josiah, Luke, and Levi) picked up the bundles of phone books from the warehouse and brought them to the church parking lot, where we promptly split up the load into two cars. Those two cars hold anywhere from four to six (or seven or eight) people. One of those people is the driver the rest are runners or baggers. The baggers put the books in bags (as their name implies). And the runners run the books from  the car to the citizen’s front porch. I was a bagger :) 

   ANYWAYS! That’s the basic idea :) The best part is being with friends while you do it :)

    Friends are such a ENORMOUS blessing. I’m SO VERY THANKFUL that God blessed me with these AMAZING people to have close fellowship.

   This was a day full of laughter, craziness and fun. If any of my friends (or  family ;) ) know that I love you guys. 

   Wither you live a short walk away from my house, or on the other side of the world, I’m so thankful that you are in my life!

   Love you guys!

   P.S.~   This post is very late in the week, I know, but I have a good reason! That's what my next post will be about!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010


   Today is Black and White Dress Day! Oh, you’ve never heard of it? Well, maybe that’s because I just made it up! :)
   So I’m browsing the lovely Google one day and I decide to look up some dress style, colors, accessories, etc. and, low and behold, I come upon a black and white dress! Black and white being one of my favorite color combos, I fall absolutely ‘in like’ with this dress!

   The owner/seller of this dress must be ‘in like’ with it too, because they don’t want to part with it for any reasonable amount of money! But I wouldn’t want to let it go either! So BEAUTIFUL!

   Since I loved it so much, I thought I’d share it with you! And I also thought, “If I like this one dress, I bet I could find several that I like and post about them on my blog!” It was a MAJOR epiphany moment for me :) And that moment is why this post is here!

   This one's a little creepy, what with the Marilyn Monroe's head all over it, but the main reason I picked this one is because of the skirt, I mean, just look at the size of it! It looks like you could hide a Smart Car underneath it! :)

   On the other hand we have one that's so tight it looks like the models hair wants to pop off!I like this one 'cause  it's quirky. If that doesn't cover it we can always use the term 'abstract' that you use whenever something  doesn't quite make scenes :) I really like this one though :)


   This one is SO MUCH FUN! Look at it, it just screams CUTENESS! It's also a completely adorable a-line, and I love a-line dresses :D

   Ahhh... amazing! Just plain exquisite! I could see this one as a wedding dress, maybe without the black gloves. What about you?

   This is just a cute picture of a cute girl with a cute smile in a cute dress. (That sentance was for Shannon :) I used to have a strong aversion to the word 'cute') This is more of a mermaid style, but I think it works! If I had the chance, I would TOTALY wear this to a dance :)


   This one, to me, vanquishes the myth that horizontal stripes always look bad. and I love that she wore RED SHOES! Another of my favorite color combos - Black, White and Red :)

    I’ve always LOVED clothing and fashion, and I have to say that formal dress is my favorite! The guys always look very dashing (when they try) and the women are STUNING!!! (when they aren’t in completely crazy or nasty things)
   See what I mean?

   I love trying on prom dresses and evening gowns! It makes me feel regal, beautiful and downright (excuse my Okie- ness) AMAZING!!!
   Who wouldn’t feel that way when they step into something that cost as much as their water bill for three, four or NINE months?

   Ahh, Dear Dresses,
             If I had the money, I would buy all of you and wear you whenever I wanted to. :)

Better Together - Jack Johnson