Roasted Honey

Tuesday, March 1, 2011


Ok, I'm back.
Well I hope I'm back. I might start typing this post and completely space out and not post this post. Here goes nothing.

So I was going through all my precious belongings like:
- paper on which I had written a few sentences and then placed in a stack (consequently to be lost for a few months)
- doodles of leafs, fairies and strange multi-sided figures
- jewelry that I didn't even know I was missing
- receipts from two years ago (no joke)
- some of my dress designs

All of theses great things, otherwise known as junk or clutter, are dear to my heart.... well, maybe not. But I seem to have these great ideas, write them down and then forget them! How like me.

When I looked at all I had rediscovered I couldn't believe that:
1) I kept all those receipts.
2) I doodled that much during Algebra 2.
3) I had forgotten almost everything that I found.
If I forget these small things, how ungrateful is it of me to forget all the blessings in my life!!!
I forget to thank God for things all the time,  please tell me I'm not the only one. I forget to thank him for family when I'm annoyed at them, even though I love them; for water when I'm not thirsty, though I would die without it, and for shoes when my toes are being pinched. How do we forget that He gives us EVERY BREATH??? How many times have I breathed in and out while composing this post? And I have not thought about it until now!

One of my New Years Resolutions (NYR) was to remember to be grateful more often, (there was another one about meeting Kieth Urban, but we won't talk about that one right now :) but it's the beginning of March, and I don't think I'm doing so hot... Does writing about a NYR in a blog help to complete that resolution? Probably not, oh, well...

  I Google-ed 'how to be grateful' and found these top five things to be grateful for from a web site-

1. You live in peace
2. You have your loved ones
3. You have good friends
4. You are healthy
5. You have enough financially

 I would like to shift everything down one spot though, and make it- 
1. You have been given salvation, you don't have to earn it
2. You live in peace 
3. You have your loved ones
4. You have good friends
5. You are healthy

So in order to be more grateful I'll start with the latter of the a fore said lists, yea!

1. I am grateful that I have received grace and mercy from the Creator of everything that exists! And by grace through faith I am saved!
2. I am grateful that I am blessed to live in a country where I am free and to have men and women who give their lives to protect that freedom. 
3. I am grateful that I have people whom I love and who love me no matter what.
4. I am grateful for my great friends who laugh with me... sometimes at me so I won't get a
5. I am grateful for my good health, and even more grateful for my good health when I don't have it.

By the way- I have discovered that I have a liking for lists! I seem to list everything now! Things I need to do, places I want to go, stuff I need to get. Lists are going to rule the world with how cool they are!!! The beat ice cube 3 to 1!!!

 So there's the first post for 2011! Finally! Woohoo!!

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Better Together - Jack Johnson